Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I feel the need to repost this. It's my journal entry from 9/11/01, complete with spelling errors.

"*SEPTEMBER 11, 2001*
I have witnessed the Pearl Harbor of my generation. This morning I did not wake up in the same world I went to sleep in. This morning some undisclosed attacker hijacked four American planes. One was crashed north of Pittsburgh, the other into the Pentagon, and the other two into the World Trade Center. Anywhere from 100-800 people died in the Pentagon. 266 in the airplanes alone. The worst was in NY. The twin towers collapsed. They were hit and twenty minutes later they imploded onto themselves. The magnitude of this hasn't hit me. 50,000 people worked in that building. No one knows how many are dead. Our country shut down today. All air traffic was stopped. All airports and cities evacuated. French [class] was cancelled today because [my professor] couldn't teach. He knew people who worked in the World Trade Center. I got online and [my boyfriend] is freaking out that he's gonna get drafted. He said he was going to Mexico if that happened. He said he'd take me with him. This is too real. Too real. My biggest fear is that it will escalate. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and things be worse. I could hardly concentrate on school today. So I'm getting really behind which pisses me off. Stresses me out. [My roommate] and I went to fill our tanks and it was $1.99 a gallon. Ridiculous. Then we couldn't find a parking space and I was talking to [my boyfriend] on the phone and I became very depressed all of a sudden. I was almost in tears. [My boyfriend] said that he was upset that he couldn't always make me happy. I told him I felt the same way."

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